Board » Board Members

Board Members

Mr. Anthony Hallman, Andrea Green, Kiesha Elmore, Dr. Robert Johnson, Dr. Courtney Thomas, Cynthia King and Kenneth Pinckney. (Not shown are Mr. James Carter and Dr. Roberta Heyward)
FLCS Board Members
Rev. Dr. Robert Johnson (Chairperson)
James Carter (Vice- Chairperson)
Cynthia King (Secretary)
Andrea Green (Treasurer) 
Dr. Roberta Heyward
Dr. Courtney Thomas
Keshia Elmore
Anthony Hallmon
Kenneth Pinkney
*** Note*** To serve on the board, you must adhere to the following: All members must be
residents of the State of South Carolina. A person who has been convicted of a felony must not
be elected to a board of directors. Any individuals who have a background in K-12 education or in
business are encouraged to apply.