Health Services » Health Services

Health Services

Health services are under the supervision of a qualified school nurse. Vision screening, first aide, and health counseling are among the services. The school nurse is also available to discuss health problems of your child. Check with the school office for the school nurse’s schedule and availability for emergency requests.
Illness or Accident at School

In case of an accident requiring the services of a doctor, we request that parents keep us informed of any changes of address or phone numbers. We will make every effort to contact a parent before the child is taken to a doctor. If it is necessary for a student to go home because of illness, contagious health problem, or injury, the parent or person listed on the emergency card (if the parent cannot be contacted) will be requested to pick the child up in the office. Please remember that we cannot keep a seriously ill child at school. In the event of a serious illness or accident, Grant School personnel will:
  • Contact parents when possible.
  • Contact other authorized persons listed on the child’s emergency card, if possible.
  • Contact child’s physician if above persons cannot be reached.
  • In extreme emergencies, an ambulance will be called, and the child will be taken directly to the hospital. The parents will be contacted.
  • We will keep an Authorization to Consent to Treatment of a Minor signed by you at the school. This allows the hospital to treat life threatening and non-life threatening conditions, i.e., x-rays, sutures, etc.

As you can see, it is ESSENTIAL that contact numbers be CURRENT so parents or their designated substitute can be contacted immediately for decisions regarding illness or injury. If parents have special requests for the emergency plan for their child, they should contact the school office.
Student Medication

Medical treatment is the responsibility of the parent and the family physician. Medications are rarely given at school. The parent is urged to work with the physician to plan a medication schedule for non-school hours. If it is an absolute necessity that medication be given at school:
  • We MUST have a written statement from the doctor “detailing the method, amount, and time schedule by which medication is to be taken” (Education Code 49423)
  • A signed release from the parents for the school to assist in administering medication.
  • Medication must be in a pharmacy container, labeled with the student’s name, the name of the medication, proper dosage and instructions, the name of the prescribing physician, and the name of the pharmacy or manufacturer who dispensed the medication.

Forms are available in the school office. (This is also the policy for over the counter drugs, such as aspirin, eye drops, etc.) These forms must be renewed each school year.
Medical Homebound

Medical homebound instruction is provided for students with and without disabilities who cannot attend school for a medical reason – a mental or physical condition that exists due to an accident, an illness, or pregnancy. The goal of homebound instruction is to provide continuity of instruction and to facilitate the student’s return to a regular school setting as quickly as possible. State Board of Education Regulation §43-241 outlines the provision of medical homebound services.

Medical Homebound Contact:

Dr. Vanessa Lancaster, Director

Mrs. E. Tarte

(803) 536-7034